
Belongingness, Homesickness, and Adjustment

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Almost everyone will experience some level of homesickness when they come to college. Research has shown that being more prepared for college can decrease levels of homesickness.

Here are five tips to prevent homesickness:

  1. Become familiar with campus. Look up a campus map to see where you are living, what buildings are close to it, where the dining halls are, and where your classes are located.
  2. Know the campus resources. Go to the University website and explore the . There are links to health and wellness, student clubs, athletics, diversity and inclusion, and more. Dive deeper into the student clubs page, and visit the get involved website for a complete list of clubs on campus.
  3. Make a plan for connecting with family and friends at home. Set up a schedule for when you are going to call home, and talk about boundaries as you make this big adjustment to living without your parents.
  4. Find your class year's Instagram or Facebook page. Submit a bio about yourself and look at other incoming students' posts. Don't be afraid to reach out to someone who you have a lot in common with, or someone who has a hobby you want to try out.
  5. Practice self-compassion. Moving is a big adjustment for anyone, no matter how prepared they may feel. Giving oneself grace and kindness during the process can lead to a better life at school.